In short, it is possible. First, if you are ever told by an attorney that he or she can guarantee you a dismissal, they are LYING. Many things happen during the course of a criminal case. Some of which are in the attorney’s control, some are not.
This is how attorney Jayson Nag’s law firm handles a criminal case.
• We will meet with our client face-to-face to discuss what charge the client is facing and to also listen to the client’s side of the story. This part is essential because a lot of times, the story that the police has is vastly different from the story that the client has. A good attorney can tell the difference between who is telling the truth and who is not.
• Next comes our own attorney-handled investigation. Our attorney is experienced with investigation in all types of criminal proceedings. A big part of our investigation is looking at the evidence that the State’s attorney has. It is usually through looking at the evidence where our attorneys will begin to create the case strategy. Every strategy is different. After looking at the evidence, sometime we also need to further our investigation to witness interview, site check, etc. Sometimes, in more serious cases, we employ a third-party investigator that we have on retainer.
• After the investigation, Jayson will decide whether the case is one we should contest or one in which we should negotiate with the State’s attorneys. If there is a legal reason to have your case dismissed, we will do everything in our power to make this happen. But again, there are no guarantees. If often comes down to whether the State’s attorney wants to or even has the authority to dismiss the case. If we cannot get the case dismissed, then we will decide whether we will negotiate a great plea bargain for our client or set the case for trial.
• Plea bargaining – this is a very effective form of legal strategy. Very often, Jayson will work out such great deals for his clients, that they are too good to pass up.
• Trial – if we have exhausted all other avenues or if we feel that in the interest of our client’s justice, that a trial is necessary then we will go to trial. We have experience trial attorneys that defend our clients in all types of criminal charges. To be found guilty, a defendant must be unanimously found guilty by a jury of their peers.
Attorney Jayson Nag has a very high dismissal rate in both Tarrant County. To find out if he can help get your case dismissed, call him at 817-900-2823 for a free consultation.