Fort Worth probation revocation attorney Jayson Nag has helped dozens of clients avoid prison time with their probation revocations. He has also been able to convince the State’s attorney to withdraw their “Motion to Revoke” in several cases. Call Jayson at 817-900-2823 to find out what he can do to keep you from being revoked and keep you out of jail.
You are subject to a probation revocation at any time during your probationary period. For those on deferred adjudication, you are also subject to being adjudicated at any time during your deferred period. A revocation or adjudication may occur if you are arrested for a new offense or you fail to meet your conditions of probation or deferred adjudication.
Violations may include:
- Failing a drug test
- Failing to report to your probation officer
- Committing a new offense
- Not completing required classes
- Not completing community service
- Failing to pay fines and fees.
Failing a Drug Test
Unfortunately, a lot of probationers suffer from a substance abuse problem and this is why they are at risk at being revoked or adjudicated. You don’t have to go to jail because of your problem. There are treatment options available. We can help you stay out of jail and get the help you need at the same time.
Getting Arrested
Contact an attorney before discussing or talking to your probation officer. Do not discuss the new charges with the probation officer because they can testify against you.
There is hope because you are entitled to have a hearing in regards to your probation violation or adjudication. We can also go before the Judge and ask for a bond to be set in order for your loved ones to bail you out. We can also provide bail bonds for Tarrant County.
If you are put on regular probation then your original plea bargain contains the maximum number of years or months you can be sentenced.
Deferred adjudication probation is different. If you are revoked you are eligible to get the entire range of punishment available.
The Burden of Proof
Probation violations are required to be proven by a preponderance of the evidence and not beyond a reasonable doubt. This a lower standard and this also the reason you need an experienced attorney to keep you out of jail.
Fort Worth probation revocation attorney Jayson Nag wants to help you avoid prison time, call him at 817-900-2823.