Fort Worth Traffic Citations
Don't pay that Fort Worth Traffic Ticket! Hire our attorney and save your money!!!
Did you know that pleading Guilty or No Contest to a Fort Worth Traffic Ticket such as a Speeding, Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility, Driving While License Invalid and others could end up costing you over $1,000? It may seem strange but it's true!
How you ask?
The Texas DPS Driver Responsibility Surcharge Program is how!
The Texas Surcharge Program actually penalizes drivers for traffic violations such as the ones listed above. That means if you are convicted of such driving offenses, the State of Texas will assess points on your driving record. Once the points accumulate to a certain amount, the State of Texas fines you a couple hundred bucks for the next three years!!!
Even worse, if you don't pay the fines (or you fall behind on your payment plan) the State can and will suspend your driving privilege!
Don't let this happen to you! Hire our Fort Worth Traffic Ticket attorney. We can keep the ticket off of your driving record and keep the points off too! And in most cases, we are able to negotiate a substantial fine reduction. Most times, the fine reduction that our Fort Worth Traffic Attorney negotiates takes care of the legal fee that you pay to us! Its a win-win situation for you!
Don't wait, call our Fort Worth Attorney at (817) 900-2823 today!